CPSO Dialogue
September 2023 Council at a Glance
Icon of board members sitting around a table on a teal background.
September 2023 Council at a Glance
We highlight some of the discussions and decisions from our September meeting of Council, including the approval of our updated human rights policy.

September 2023
Reading Time 7 min.

The following are highlights of the September meeting of Council.

Infographic providing an overview of the discussions and decisions made at the September 2023 Council Meeting

Council at a Glance infographic transcript

Ontario Physician Supply

Through policy and pathway changes, we have registered nearly 400 new physicians. This includes 142 family physicians and 250 specialists (U.S.-trained).

We registered 14 percent more new physicians than the previous year.

Moreover, our newest policy change waived fees for residents from other Canadian jurisdictions seeking to complete an elective rotation in Ontario.

Governance Modernization

By-law Refresh

As part of CPSO’s project to modernize governance, it is conducting a comprehensive review and rewrite of its by-laws with the goal of improving clarity, and ensuring a strong, resilient governance model.

First Phase – Revising by-laws related to public register and member information

  • Proposed changes approved in March.
  • Circulated for feedback following March Council.
  • Approved at September Council.
  • Changes take place in 2024 when the new public register launches.

In matters related to gender information, categories have changed from male, female or non-binary to man, woman, non-binary or Two-Spirit. The option of “Prefer not to say’ was also added.


Council approved our updated policy and advice on Human Rights in the Provision of Medical Services (formerly Professional Obligations and Human Rights).

Physician Assistants

We proposed application and renewal fees for Physician Assistants (PAs). We are now circulating proposed amendments as CPSO continues to prepare for the oversight of PAs in 2024.

Quality Improvement Program

Quality Requirements

All physicians aged 70 to 74 due for age-related peer assessment will have the option to participate in the Quality Improvement Program as a potential alternative.

Hospital Partnerships

To date, 64 Ontario hospitals enrolled in our Quality Improvement Partnership, including the majority of the largest hospitals and alliances in the province.


The number of ongoing complaints decreased. In January 2018, there were 2,242 ongoing complaints. In August 2023, there were 879.

We’ve also reduced the time to complete complaint files. In early 2018, it took 311 days to complete a complaint file. In late summer 2023, it took 154 days to complete a complaint file. The goal is to complete a complaint file in 150 days.


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