CPSO Dialogue
June 2023 Council at a Glance
Icon of board members sitting around a table on a teal background.
June 2023 Council at a Glance
We provide highlights from the June meeting of Council, including the approval of the revised, streamlined set of standards for Out-of-Hospital Premises.

June 2023
Reading Time 5 min.

The following are highlights of the June meeting of Council.

Infographic providing an overview of the discussions and decisions made at the June 2023 Council Meeting.

Council at a Glance infographic transcript

Addressing Physician Supply

CPSO continues to evaluate potential barriers to licensure and develop additional pathways to registration through policy.

Since going into effect on April 4th, the Pathways for US Physicians and Recognition of CFPC Certification without Examination policies, have allowed us to register:

  • 151 New US Applicants
  • 54 New CFPC Applicants

At June Council, several more policies were introduced to find ways to provide coverage to a strained system. These include:

Quality Improvement Program

  • Annual Target: 5,000
    • Completed: 1,269
    • In Progress: 5,229

Discipline Tribunal

Time from Referral to Completion of Discipline Process

  • Target: 15 months
  • Since January 2023: 12 months

Ongoing Complaints

  • January 2018: 2,242
  • March 2023: 1,053


Approval of consultation for draft regulatory amendments for Physician Assistant Oversight.

Final approval for revised Out-of-Hospital Premises Standards.


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