CPSO Dialogue
September 2021 Council at a Glance
Read highlights of the discussions and decisions made at the September meeting of Council, including our initiatives in right-touch regulation and approval of the Complementary and Alter...

September 2021
Reading Time 6 min.

The following are highlights of the September meeting of Council.

Infographic providing an overview of the discussions and decisions made at the September 2021 Council Meeting

Council at a Glance infographic transcript

Registrar’s Report — Right-Touch Regulation in Action 

Dr. Nancy Whitmore reported on the following:


The time to complete all types of Complaint files: 

  • January 2018 — 344 days
  • June 2021 — 150 days Target Achieved!

As the time to contact a complainant has decreased, the percentage of opened cases ending in early resolution has increased.

  • 2020 — 2 days to contact a complainant
  • January 2018 — 16 percent of cases ended in early resolution
  • June 2021 — 37 percent of cases ended in early resolution

Out of Hospital Premises Program Modernization — Progress Update 

  • Align with other Right-Touch Regulation Programs
  • Make Standards Document more concise
  • Reduce handover of information transitions by hiring Nurse Inspectors who are responsible for the file from start to finish
  • Add specialty panels to Premises Inspection Committee. Adult chronic pain panel already brought on board

Quality Improvement Program 

As of Council meeting date, 2,300 physicians in progress/submission of Practice Improvement Plans

  • Goal for 2021 — 3,000 physicians

QI Partnership Program 

Quality Assurance Assessment

We are replacing our large assessor network with a general assessor group of 20 assessors. This will help us achieve improved consistency among assessments.

Continuous Improvement

By the end of August, CPSO staff members identified 340 improvements and completed 97 percent of them.

Registration Practices

Office of the Fairness Commissioner recognizes CPSO’s Full Compliance in registration practice recommendations.


Final Approval 

Approved for Consultation 

Bylaw Clarification - Term Limits 

Each year, three of the six academic representatives who sit at the Council table are selected to serve as voting members of Council. The three academic representatives who are not selected as voting members also attend and participate (other than voting) at Council meetings.

A bylaw approved by Council clarifies that any year that an academic representative participates on Council — even in a non-voting capacity — counts towards the nine-year term limit.


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