CPSO Dialogue
Responding to MCC Decision
Responding to MCC Decision
New policy addresses decision to cease delivery of MCCQE2

September 2021
Reading Time 3 min.

New policy addresses decision to cease delivery of MCCQE2

After the Medical Council of Canada discontinued one of its qualifying examinations, the CPSO has responded by approving, in principle, a new registration policy.

In June, the Medical Council of Canada (MCC) announced it was ceasing delivery of the Medical Council of Canada’s Qualifying Examination Part II (MCCQE2), one of the requirements for issuance of an independent practice certificate. Additionally, the MCC stated that successful completion of the MCCQE2 is no longer required to become a licentiate of the MCC (LMCC).

The MCC announcement directly affected the licensure of both physicians practising in the province and those physicians seeking initial licensure in Ontario as they are unable to satisfy the prescribed requirement to successfully complete Part 2 of the MCCQE.

The CPSO’s policy — entitled the Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC) — would accept the LMCC qualification as a replacement for the MCCQE2 for the issuance of an independent practice certificate. Council approved the policy in principle — external consultation is still required under the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA).

The policy states "the Registration Committee may direct the Registrar to issue a certificate of registration authorizing independent practice to applicants who hold the LMCC and are otherwise qualified for an Independent Practice Certificate of Registration and satisfy the non-exemptible requirements set out in Section 2(1) of Ontario Regulation 865/93.”

Since 2020, the MCC postponed the MCCQE2 multiple times as a result of the pandemic. In response to the backlog of residents unable to write the exam, CPSO Council approved the Requirement for Successful Completion of Part 2 of the MCCQE – Pandemic Exemption policy six months ago.

The new policy is broader than the first policy in that it is not time-limited and it provides a route for licensure for the following groups who are currently ineligible under the Pandemic Exemption Policy: Individuals with previous unsuccessful attempts at the MCCQE2; New applicants to Ontario; and Applicants from another Canadian jurisdiction.

In announcing the discontinuation of the MCCQE2, the MCC recognized the impact of the pandemic and the unprecedented challenges associated with delivering aMCCQE2 examination.

MCC will grant the LMCC to candidates who meet all the following requirements:

  1. Are a graduate from an accredited medical school;
  2. Have successfully completed the MCCQE Part I;
  3. Have successfully completed 12 months of acceptable clinical post graduate medical training; and
  4. Have the required medical credentials, including verification of postgraduate training, successfully source verified through MCC or, in exceptional circumstances, have provided evidence of the required medical credentials acceptable to the Executive Director.

If you meet the above criteria, you are encouraged to apply to the MCC to have the LMCC granted.


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