CPSO Dialogue
December 2020 Council at a Glance
Read the highlights from our December Council meeting, including an announcement about CPSO oversight of Physician Assistants.

December 2020
Reading Time 4 min.

The following are highlights of the December meeting of Council.

Infographic providing an overview of the discussions and decisions made at the December Council Meeting

Council at a Glance infographic transcript

Policy Update

We are consulting on our Complementary and Alternative Medicine policy

We are launching preliminary consultations on our Medical Assistance in Dying policy; our Professional Obligations and Human Rights policy; and our Planning for and Providing Quality End-of-Life Care policy.

We approved our Advertising Policy, which allows the use of before and after photos and videos in limited circumstances.

System Collaboration — Regulation of Physician Assistants

The Ontario government will proceed with its intention to have CPSO regulate physician assistants. Sean Court, an assistant deputy minister with the Ministry of Health, told Council that his ministry looks forward to drafting legislation with CPSO. Stay tuned!

Guest Speaker

Dr. Javeed Sukhera, a London child psychiatrist, spoke to Council about some foundational concepts about Diversity Equity and Inclusion, and its importance to CPSO’s mandate.


We moved our election dates from the fall to the spring and we have brought in new eligibility criteria for physicians wishing to run for election.

The Registrar/CEO Report

Dr. Nancy Whitmore reported on the following:

  • More than 1100 physicians became engaged in the Quality Improvement program this past quarter
  • A virtual care symposium was hosted by CPSO — with physicians, patients and caregivers sharing experiences and describing what they think quality virtual care should look like
  • We successfully launched the physician portal and received much positive feedback from members
  • We continue to sustain our 2-day benchmark of responding to complainants
  • We have reduced the time to complete all types of complaint files from
  • 344 days (2018) to 164 days
  • Council set Key Performance Indicators for 2021

New Leadership

At the Council, Dr. Judith Plante became President and Dr. Janet van Vlymen became Vice-President

No Fee Increase

For the third year in a row, the fee for a certificate of registration will not be increased. The fee will remain at $1,725, among the lowest in Canada.


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