CPSO Dialogue
Board Highlights - Mar 2024
Some by-law changes are in effect, changing what information is posted on the public register. Read about these and other highlights from discussions held at the Board of Directors meeting.

March 2024
Reading Time 5 min.

The following are highlights of the February/March Board meeting.

Board Highlights infographic

Board Highlights Infographic Transcript

The Registrar reported that all 2023 Key Performance Indicators were met.


The Board of Directors released the draft Infection Prevention and Control for Clinical Office Practice policy for Consultation and approved the Conflicts of Interest and Industry Relationships.

Developing a Board Profile and Self-Assessment Tool

A draft Board Profile and self-assessment tool received support at the Board meeting and will proceed to the final approval stage in May. The Board Profile will outline the collective skills, professional backgrounds and lived experiences required for effective Board oversight of the medical profession.

By-Laws Update

As of March 1, a subset of by-law changes went into effect that changed what information will be posted on the public register.  The changes ensure that CPSO posts the most accurate, timely and salient information (e.g. revocation of hospital privileges, convictions and Canadian criminal charges).  Reminder - physicians are still required to report offences in other jurisdictions to CPSO.

Open elections will be maintained to the Governance and Nominating Committee (GNC) to effect greater separation between the GNC and Executive Committee (EC) nomination process. (This was a change to the by-laws approved at December’s Board of Directors’ meeting). 

Dialogue goes Digital

March’s publication of Dialogue is the final issue available in print format. Dialogue will now be fully digital.

Annual Renewal

On April 8, we open our annual renewal process for physicians to renew their license to practice.


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